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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Woodbury acts strangely - gathers actual information

Star Tribune Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:51:25 GMT
Woodbury survey finds good growth climate

The poll of businesses showed expansion in health and medical services, and general satisfaction. Health and medical services continue to grow in Woodbury and the city's retail climate remains strong, a city business survey shows. The findings show that Woodbury is a prime shopping destination, said Janelle Schmitz, city planning and economic development manager. Some businesses outside Woodbury, she said, identify themselves with the city. "We know that there's something to the name 'Woodbury' that brings punch," she said. Although a small number of the city's 870 businesses responded to the survey, results were consistent with past surveys, Schmitz said. The survey showed, for example, that businesses value Woodbury's location at the intersection of Interstate Hwys. 94 and 494, as well as the city's growth, image, lower crime rate and more affluent demographics. On the negative side, some businesses complained about the higher cost of land and buildings, a cost of living too high for employees, relative lack of public transportation and the distance to downtown Minneapolis.

[[keywords: Living;Metro;]]

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